It is now flying through April, having escaped the 1st without an April Fool. We had a lovely day yesterday and went with a friend to the Garden Centre, where I always buy more than I need. I bought a Lavender (Hidcote) and have put it in a large container. I also bought some new mint as my old plants are getting tired. They are also in too tight a space, alongside the steps that lead up to the garden from the terrace. I am going to move them, so that they will have a better chance of survival. I have yet to plant out the Salvia I bought, tomorrow, weather permitting.

I am getting concerned about my pond and have bought another product to hopefully help me make it healthier. I try to clear the surface of leaves regularly (fingers crossed I didn’t see any algae today). I am looking for a small aerator as I don’t really want a fountain, but the pond needs oxygenating, so, at the moment I am trying to move the water whilst clearing the algae. Yesterday, I bought from Pond and Pet some Green Water Clarifier to get rid of a tinge of green on the surface. They were really helpful. They also stock aerators, so that will be my next purchase.

My next task is to continue making a pathway to the pond. It is made up of flat stones and old broken clay pots. Anything that looks OK and will withstand my weight (no comment) and constant use. It is really fun to do, well I think so! It’s free too! I get a bit dirty, but when I stand back and take a look at my hard work, my spirits lift as I see my growing path meandering under the Buddleia and around the Gooseberry bush and along to the pond.